How to Reduce Carbon Footprint at Home – House with Solar Panels

How to Reduce Your Carbon Footprint at Home

The term ‘carbon footprint’ often refers to the environment and climate change. However, what exactly is a carbon footprint? It is the amount of greenhouse gas—any gas in the atmosphere that blocks heat from escaping (like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and methane)—released into the atmosphere because of an individual or a collective.

The world’s biggest companies emit 71% of all global greenhouse gas emissions. Still, we can each play our part in reducing our carbon footprint and environmental impact. From investing in a solar power package in NZ to changing how you eat, we discuss how to reduce your carbon footprint at home.

How can I determine my carbon footprint?

Several areas of your lifestyle can contribute to a carbon footprint, including your diet, home energy use and waste production, and how you travel. Your impact on the environment depends on the following:

  • How energy-intensive it is to produce and ship your food to you
  • Whether you recycle and how much electricity or other fuels you use
  • Whether you use a car or take public transport

Severe climate changes such as increases in temperature, extreme weather events, and rising ocean levels can be attributed to greenhouse gas emissions. Even small changes to reduce your carbon footprint help contribute to the overall reduction of such gases, which can be significant if everyone plays their part.

How to reduce your carbon footprint

Change your diet

Meat and dairy products require large amounts of land, water, and energy to produce and emit significant quantities of the greenhouse gas methane. Food shipped from overseas also uses more resources than produce generated locally. Reduce your carbon footprint at home by eating less red meat or switching to a plant-based diet. Support your local farmer’s market to reduce the mileage of your food transportation.

Reduce, reuse, recycle

Reduce the amount of waste you generate by eliminating single-use plastic and opting for digital copies of books or documents whenever possible. Try your hand at composting, which makes use of discarded food scraps. Composting reduces food waste and landfill methane emissions in an energy-efficient manner and creates a substance that makes fantastic fertiliser for the environment. Recycling reduces the need to process new raw materials, which generate greenhouse gases, and keeps trash out of landfill.

Change how you use energy

Sufficient insulation ensures your home stays warm without relying solely on heating, helping you use less energy while saving on household bills. Switch to energy-efficient appliances with a high energy star rating and turn them off while not in use.

Solar panels can help save on costs and reduce your carbon footprint at home. The power generated from a free and renewable source—the sun—can power your home or be sold back to power grids if in excess. With the countless benefits of solar energy, there should be no hesitation when considering solar panels for your home.

Harness the power of the sun, easily

Aeon Energy provides energy solutions that will help keep your home warm and minimise energy bills simultaneously. With our uncompromising level of service and affordable prices, we are quickly establishing ourselves as one of New Zealand’s leading energy solutions companies, with a wide following of dedicated customers. Reduce your carbon footprint at home. Contact us today for a free quote on installing the best solar panels in NZ.