How Does Insulation Work – Man Spraying Insulating Foam

How Does Insulation Work in Your Home?

The presence of home insulation determines how much heat is lost and how comfortable your house is in the summer or winter. Good home insulation slows the rate of heat transfer, keeping your home at an ideal temperature for longer and reducing how much you will spend on electricity bills.

How does insulation work to regulate temperature? Below, we explain how heat transfer occurs in homes and how house insulation in NZ works to reduce heat loss.

What Is Heat Transfer?

In most homes, these three factors work together or impact each other to create heat loss.


Conduction refers to the transfer of heat through solid materials. The rate of heat loss differs depending on the material; high conducting solid materials like concrete, metal, or wood will cause quicker heat loss compared to materials like wool or Styrofoam.


Convection refers to the transfer of heat through air movement, like how a heater works where hot air rises and cool air falls, creating a convection circuit that heats the room. Cold air works similarly; homes with significant air leakage see warm air replaced by cold air, creating noticeable air convection or the feeling of a draft.


Not of the nuclear kind, this form of radiation refers to heat transferred through electromagnetic waves. All warm surfaces and objects will radiate heat while cold surfaces absorb more than they radiate. If a person is standing next to a cold window, they will feel cold due to the net effect produced by radiation.


An R-value refers to the thermal resistance of a material, and the higher the R-value, the higher the resistance. R-values differ depending on the material density, thickness, and type. The overall R-value of any building area will require taking the performance of other elements such as framing and cladding into consideration. Depending on where you live, the part of the home that needs insulation, and the overall size, the type of insulation needed will differ. Consult a professional for more information on the insulating material your home requires to reduce the heat loss brought about by conduction, convection, and radiation.

Why Is Insulation Necessary for Your Home?

An uninsulated ceiling can suffer heat loss of up to 30–40%, while an uninsulated floor can lose up to 10–5% of a home’s overall heat. Good ceiling and underfloor insulation using lightweight and bulky materials like polystyrene or spray foam help trap heat and regulate your home’s internal temperature, keeping you warm in winter and cool in summer. Correctly installed insulation will eliminate gaps and trapped air that may reduce performance, lessen the impact of mould and mildew, and enhance the overall value of your property.

Keep Warm with Aeon Energy

Keep your home warm and well-insulated with New Zealand’s leading energy solutions company, Aeon Energy. Our fully trained and experienced consultants are well-equipped to offer seamless ceiling and underfloor insulation solutions in NZ. Get a free consultation and quote from us and find the right type of insulation you need for your home today.















