The Benefits of Good Insulation & an Energy-Efficient Home

The benefit of good insulation in your home or property goes far beyond just complying with building standards. Energy-efficient insulation will reduce your power bills by keeping your home warm and cosy on winter nights, and cool and quiet on hot summer days.

From the top of the North to the bottom of the South, home insulation in New Zealand is always a good idea. If you’re looking for a reason to insulate your home—whether it’s a retrofit or for a new build—read on! We explore some of the benefits of insulating your house from ceiling to floor!

The Pros of Insulating Your Home

The pros of good insulation in a home far outweigh the cons. To be honest, we can’t think of many cons at all! Here’s a list of why insulating efficiently and effectively will benefit you in the short, medium, and long term.

Save Money on Power Bills

One of the biggest reasons for having a well-insulated home is the savings. Energy-efficient insulation traps warm air inside the home in winter and keeps hot air out in summer, providing a consistent temperature throughout the home. Ceiling Insulation traps 35% more air than an uninsulated home, with underfloor heating catching 15%, to keep your head warm and your toes toasty! Given that a large percentage of most power bill costs are from heating the home and keeping it cool, your energy bills should sink like a bag of hot air.

Save the Planet With a Reduced Carbon Footprint

When energy consumption is reduced, so is your carbon footprint. This is great news for the planet. Good insulation means you are not only less likely to use as much power, but you are less likely to use carbon-spewing heating methods such as wood fires. Energy smart insulation means cleaner air both inside and outside of the home!

Reduce the Noise & Increase Your Property Value

Good insulation reduces noise pollution from rowdy neighbours, rumbling roads, and raucous kids. When you increase the barriers between rooms, it is more difficult for sound to break through, resulting in a quieter home. This well-insulated home can mean a rise in your property value, especially combined with the money-saving benefits of energy efficiency!

Energy-efficient insulation also increases your property value by bringing the average spend on utilities down. What’s not to like?

Insulation Provides Protection From Cold & Damp

Good insulation should keep your home at a fairly constant temperature, meaning there’s less chance of invasive mould, mildew, and dampness.

Condensation occurs when a house’s exterior and interior temperatures differ. Condensation can also occur between rooms, leading to unseen issues within walls. A properly insulated home should mean that temperatures throughout the home are consistent, reducing the chance of water condensing and weakening the surfaces and structure of a house.

Keep Your Home & Family Healthy

When a home is healthy, warm, and dry, so is your family! Low temperatures can compromise immune systems, cause health issues, and lead to more family members getting sick. Healthy homes with good insulation mean less time off work, and more time spent having fun in a home that feels safe and comfortable.

Proper insulation is more than just a nice to have, it’s a must for a healthier and happier home.

Information on Home & Underfloor Insulation

If you’re looking to insulate your home or property, a good place to start is the New Zealand Building Compliance (NZBC). It will let you know what kind of insulation you need, such as ceiling insulation, underfloor insulation, or old-fashioned wall-to-wall insulation. The NZBC lists the R values, which rate the ability to resist heat transfer, and shows a comprehensive map of New Zealand. The map shows the level of insulation you need to protect your home in New Zealand’s many climates. Whether you’re in windy Wellington or the tropical North, you can get the right advice for your place.

Get on track to a healthier home with a free quote from Aeon Energy

If you’re keen to get on board with energy-efficient insulation and a healthy home, give Aeon Energy a call. We provide ceiling insulation and underfloor insulation in NZ. Get a free consultation for your home and see the difference good insulation can make!















